The perceptions of students towards students representative council (SRCs) : A case study of Tshwane North Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) College.
Gumede, Edward Eddie
Gumede, Edward Eddie
This study was carried out to investigate the perceptions of students towards Student Representative Councils (SRCs), using Tshwane North Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) College as a case study. The study adopted a qualitative approach. Data was collected using interviews, through a semi-structured interview schedule. Thirty students drawn from six campuses of Tshwane North TVET College participated in the study. The objectives of the study were to explore the challenges faced by students in relation to day-to-day cooperation with the SRC; to identify areas that the students thought the SRC needed to improve in order to effectively address their challenges and to recommend the best strategies which SRC could implement in order to improve their service to the students they represent. The study found that the challenges that students face in relation to their day-to-day cooperation with the SRC are the invisibility of the SRC, failure of the SRC to communicate effectively with the students, lack of impartiality among the SRC in the discharge of their duties and the incompetence of the SRC. The study also found that the SRC needed to: improve its communication with students; be competent; have synergy with class representatives and be visible and vibrant in order to effectively address the concerns of the students. Also, the study found various strategies which could be adopted by the SRC to address the challenges that students face in their day-to-day collaboration with the students which were categorized as: communication–related strategies; service delivery-related strategies, collaboration-related strategies; and competency-related strategies. The study recommends that the SRC should effectively and regularly communicate with the students they represent, by utilising different kinds of communication platforms or methods. The study also recommends to students to elect their SRC representatives wisely, this means that students need to know and understand that the people that they are going to elect are for the office, and they have the required leadership skills, and that their passion is to serve students. The study also recommends that college management create a conducive environment for the SRCs to work collaboratively with them and shun an adversarial relationship with SRCs. For future studies, the study recommends that they focus on the challenges being faced by the SRC in the discharge of their duties.
A full dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for Master of Public Affairs Degree in the Department of Public Management at the Tshwane University of Technology.
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Tshwane University of Technology
Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Student Representative Council, Student challenges, Perceptions, Tshwane North Technical and Vocational Education and Training