
Rhizosphere acid and alkaline phosphatase activity as a marker of P nutrition in nodulated cyclopia and aspalathus species in the Cape fynbos of South Africa.

Maseko, S.T.
Dakora, F.D.
Cyclopia and Aspalathus species are important economic legumes in the Cape fynbos of South Africa, as they are used for making Honeybush and Rooibos tea, and for trade in the cut wildflower industry. The aim of this study was to assess acid and alkaline phosphatase activity in the rhizosphere of Cyclopia genistoides, Cyclopia subternata, Aspalathus caledonensis and Aspalathus aspalathoides as an indicator of P supply and P nutrition in the nutrient-poor soils of the Cape fynbos. Whether at Kokrivier or Kanetberg, the P enzyme activities were much higher in the rhizospheres of the legumes C. genistoides, C. subternata, A. caledonensis, and A. aspalathoides compared to those of the non-legumes Leucadendron strictum, Elegia thyrsoidea and Mimetes cucullatus, or bulk soil. As a result, plant-available P concentration in the rhizosphere, as well as shoot P levels closely mirrored acid and alkaline phosphatase activity in the rhizosphere of each plant species. Relative to younger plants, older Cyclopia species exhibited, much greater acid and alkaline phosphatase activity in the rhizosphere and this again resulted in much higher plant-available rhizosphere P. C. subternata plants developed from cuttings at Kanetberg showed greater rhizosphere acid and alkaline phosphatase activity than seedlings and bulk soil. As a result, the concentration of plant available-P and organic P were much higher in the rhizosphere of cuttings than seedlings, leading to greater shoot P in cuttings than seedlings. Taken together, these data suggest that rhizosphere P enzyme activity can be used as a good indicator of P supply and P nutrition in Cyclopia cuttings and seedlings, but less so in Aspalathus species in the Cape fynbos. The enhanced P nutrition in plants from cuttings probably accounts for the higher tea yields obtained by farmers when they use cuttings instead of seedlings in their plantations.
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Elsevier B.V.
Research Projects
Organizational Units
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P enzyme activity, Low-P, Plant-available P, Bulk soil, Organic (Po) and inorganic P (Pi), Cuttings and seedlings, Legumes and non-legumes, N2-fixing
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