Mkhwanazi, Ntombifikile Saraphina2025-01-302025-01-302022-10-01 in partial fulfilment for the degree requirements of Master of Public Affairs in the Department of Public Management, Faculty of Humanities at the Tshwane University of Technology.Districts must ensure beyond any doubt that individuals within their parameters dispose of the essential administrative support and resources they require like electricity, water supply, and power. These administrations have a definite and prompt impact on the quality of the lives of the individuals within the community. The municipality as local area and party incorporated for self-government is the closest to individuals; they are chosen by citizens to have their interest at heart and are mindful to guarantee that administrations’ activities are conveyed effectively in the interest of communities. The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 and other legislation relating to municipality service delivery such as the Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (Act 32 of 2000,) encourages the equality of communities in the affairs of the municipality The area under scrutiny was the City of Ekurhuleni Metropolitan municipality, which is situated within the Gauteng province focusing on Kempton Park, Thembisa and Benoni municipalities. The aim was to investigate the execution of the power meter rates and tariffs policy approach in South African municipalities. Moreover, the study explored the inequality gap regarding in costs and tariffs, which lead to dissatisfaction among the residents. The study research methodology applied to achieve the set of objectives of quantitative approach. Questionnaires methods were used to identify stratified sampling to manage data collection. The findings of the study discovered the need of awareness or to educate the community of Ekurhuleni about the electricity policy development. The second findings were the residents lack knowledge about the electricity rates and tariffs implementation policy. Finally, was the municipality fail to equalise the treatment between the resident’s in townships and suburb. The implementation of electricity meter rates and tariffs policy in all the South African municipalities should be transparent in all the South African citizens.1-131 PagesenCC0 1.0 Universal of electricity meters rates and tariffs policy in South Africa: A case of the Ekurhuleni Municipality.Thesis