Mpofu, Takalani JudasNephawe, Khathutshelo AgreeMtileni, Bohani2025-01-172025-01-172020-09-180972-8988 (P)2231-0916 (E) The study was conducted to determine the intensity of gastrointestinal parasite (GIP) infections and hematological parameters in South African communal indigenous goats in relation to anemia. Materials and Methods: A total of 288 goats were randomly sampled in areas representing four agro-ecological zones. Fecal and blood samples were collected from the rectum and jugular vein, respectively, of each animal. The number of eggs  per gram (EPG) and oocysts per gram (OPG) of feces and the hematological parameters were determined using the modified McMaster technique and a BC-2800Vet® automatic hematology analyzer, respectively. Data were analyzed using the repeated measures techniques of Minitab 17, modeling the covariance structure of the observed data. Results: Based on EPG and OPG, goats in humid zone were significantly infected (p<0.05) with strongyles, Eimeria, Moniezia, and Trichuris spp. Hematological parameters of goats in arid and humid zone were lower (p<0.05) than those in semi-arid and dry sub-humid zone. GIP infection intensities were higher (p<0.05) in young animals than in adult and suckling goats. GIP infection intensity was similar between goat sexes, while hematological parameters were higher (p<0.05) in females. Higher (p<0.05) infection intensities for strongyles (302.90 EPG) and Eimeria (216.09 EPG) were observed in winter compared to summer (strongyles: 302.90, Eimeria: 216.09 EPG). Higher (p<0.05) values for the hematological parameters were observed during summer compared to that in winter. Conclusion: GIP infection intensity in the winter could be associated with hypochromic and normocytic anemia which likely to affects suckling goats while in the summer could be associated with normochromic and normocytic anemia which likely to affect young goats.enAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International concentrationMean corpuscular hemoglobinPacked cell volume, strongylesGastrointestinal parasite infection intensity and hematological parameters in South African communal indigenous goats in relation to anemia.Article