
A deep learning method for the detection and compensation of outlier events in stock data.

Naidoo, Vashalen
Du, Shengzhi
The stock price is a culmination of numerous factors that are not necessarily quantifiable and significantly affected by anomalies. The forecasting accuracy of stock prices is negatively affected by these anomalies. However, very few methods are available for detecting, modelling, and compensating for anomalies in financial time series given the critical roles of better management of funds and accurate forecasting of anomalies. Time series data are a data type that changes over a defined time interval. Each value in the data set has some relation to the previous values in the series. This attribute of time series data allows us to predict the values that will follow in the series. Typical prediction models are limited to following the patterns in the data set without being able to compensate for anomalous periods. This research will attempt to find a machine learning method to detect outliers and then compensate for these detections in the prediction made. This concept was previously unimplemented, and therefore, it will make use of theoretical work on market forecasting, outliers and their effects, and machine learning methods. The ideas implemented in the paper are based upon the efficient market hypothesis (EMH), in which the stock price reflects knowledge about the market. The EMH hypothesis cannot account for consumer sentiment towards a stock. This sentiment could produce anomalies in stock data that have a significant influence on the movement of the stock market. Therefore, the detection and compensation of outliers may improve the predictions made on stock movements. This paper proposes a deep learning method that consists of two sequential stages. The first stage is an outlier detection model based on a long short-term memory (LSTM) network auto-encoder that can determine if an outlier event has occurred and then create an associated value of this occurrence for the next stage. The second stage of the proposed method uses a higher-order neural network (HONN) model to make a prediction based on the output of the first stage and the stock time series data. Real stock data and standalone prediction models are used to validate this method. This method is superior at predicting stock time series data by compensating for outlier events. The improvement is quantifiable if the data set contains an adequate amount of anomalous periods. We may further apply the proposed method of compensating for outliers in combination with other financial time series prediction methods to offer further improvements and stability.
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Research Projects
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LSTM—long short-term memory, Auto-encoder, Outlier detection, Stock price prediction
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