
Forum on China-Africa cooperation (FOCAC): A Comparative analysis of South Africa and Angola's agricultural and energy sectors.

Mashitoa, Magome Edwin
The establishment of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) gave African countries the opportunity to cooperate with China in political, technological and socioeconomic matters. Under the framework of what has been called south-south cooperation (SSC), FOCAC offered a practical alternative to the north-south cooperation which has been marred by inequities. However, it appears that the relationships under the China-Africa umbrella are not without similar negative elements. The main objective of this research was to determine the challenges, opportunities and prospects that the FOCAC relationship offered within the agricultural and renewable energy sectors of two African countries: Angola and South Africa. The research was motivated in the main by the contending views on the benefits or lack thereof deriving from the FOCAC engagements. While China has frequently been labelled as a predator by African governments (Grimm, 2014:06), observers have lambasted African governments for the lack of follow-through on the areas of common interest with China (Kiala, 2010:09). These areas include technology transfer, skills development, trade, investment and job creation in the agricultural and renewable energy sectors. The research was conducted using qualitative research methods in the form of document analysis covering academic research, research agencies, FOCAC, the United Nations, the African Development Bank, government policies and official government pronouncements. A qualitative research method was supplemented by a quantitative trends and probability analysis which sought to interpret the trends observed in the qualitative data. The research set out to meet the following research objectives: determine China's role and cooperation in the Angolan and South African agricultural and energy sectors; identify the current challenges, future opportunities and potential prospects; establish the extent to which the Chinese infrastructure investment in both Angola and South Africa has resulted in technology transfer; and assess the sustainability of China's investment values in both Angola and South Africa. Angola and South Africa have been found to be lacking in organisation, follow through to commitments, having incapable institutions, and leadership. These factors negatively contribute to the states continuing inabilities to maximise on the available opportunities. Both Angola and South Africa should utilise the FOCAC platform to invest, build strong, capable leadership and institutions to carry out the developmental agenda. Capable leadership and institutions serve as the pre-conditions for a state led development to be realised.
Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree Magister Technologiae: Comparative Local Development in the Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Finance at the Tshwane University of Technology.
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Tshwane University of Technology
Research Projects
Organizational Units
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Agriculture, Energy, China, Africa, Angola
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