Towards innovative recruitment and selection processes as a key factor in leveraging performance: A case of Eastern Cape Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs.
Makgopela, Phillemon Sepuru
Makgopela, Phillemon Sepuru
Government departments in all spheres have generally been overwhelmed by claims of poor service delivery, poor organisational performance, poor recruitment and selection processes, and urgent demands for innovation. As a result, the government has now embarked on meritorious innovations, including the use of science and technology, to manage the recruitment process in order to improve organisational performance and the quality and efficiency of service delivery.
The main objective of this study is to identify any possible innovative selection and recruitment initiatives or lack thereof in the Eastern Cape Provincial Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (ECCOGTA) and develop an innovative conceptual framework that depicts a causal relationship between innovative recruitment and selection approaches and improved organisational performance across the public sector. The study embraced pragmatism as a research paradigm utilising a mixed-methodological design for the purpose of strengthening the research findings and for the provision of adequate validation by means of both deductive and inductive research methods. The study adopted the use of interviews and questionnaires as methods of collecting data. A semi-structured face-to-face interview schedule was used. To obtain the relevant data, non-probability sampling entailing the application of judgemental sampling was used to draw and interview personnel at the ECCOGTA offices. Some of the key findings of the study indicate that there is a positive and significant relationship between innovative recruitment and selection and the performance of organisations. In addition, innovative recruitment and selection have a positive effect on customer satisfaction. If the best candidates are recruited and perform well, it is reflected in the satisfaction of clients and customers who will continue to use the services of the organisation, leading to improved organisational performance. The study makes some recommendations that since the proposed framework was premised on research conducted at the ECCOGTA, a provincial government department, it would be interesting to what the outcome would be if the framework was to be applied in different public sector organisations. As such the proposed framework may be enhanced based on the insights gained from different organisational context. The proposed conceptual framework for innovative recruitment and selection approaches to improve organisational performance is a significant contribution to the science of public affairs, administration management and the human resource management discourse in general. The study also proposed further research to validate the relevance, applicability and adequacy of this framework and to yield new insights and avenues of knowledge especially if the framework is tested in various empirical settings.
Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for a Doctoral Degree Public Affairs in the Department of Public Management Faculty of Humanities at the Tshwane University of Technology.
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Tshwane University of Technology
Research Projects
Organizational Units
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Government department, Recruitment, Selection, Cooperative and Traditional, Eastern Cape