
Design concept evaluation technique via functional link matrix and fuzzy VIKOR based on left and right scores.

Olabanji, Olayinka
Mpofu, Khumbulani
This article presents a new technique for determining the weights of design features by searching for functional links between their sub-features. The method further applies fuzzy VIKOR based on left and right scores to determine the optimal design concept from a decision matrix obtained from three experts view. The application of this technique to the design of a Reconfigurable Assembly Fixture (RAF) shows that it is a viable method for determining the weights of design features and identifying the optimal design concept from a set of alternative designs. In order to support the viability of this technique, the results obtained from its application to the design of a RAF was compared with the results of other Multi- Criteria Decision-Making (MCDM) methods when applied to the design of the RAF. The comparison shows that the technique is feasible and can be employed to determine the weights of design features in order to identify optimal design at the conceptual phase.
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Taylor and Francis
Research Projects
Organizational Units
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Functional link matrix, Fuzzy VIKOR based on left and right scores, Conceptual design of reconfigurable assembly fixture, Multicriteria decision-making
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