
Translation strategies used by Tshivenda translators: Study of Grade 4 Geography concepts.

Mudau, Thama
Translating between two languages with different cultural backgrounds, such as English and Tshivenḓa, is problematic due to the lack of equivalent concepts in specific disciplines, such as Geography. Hence, a study that proposes ways to circumvent non-equivalence is essential. Therefore, this study aims to identify and analyse the translation strategies used by Tshivenḓa translators to address problems of non-equivalence at the word level when translating Grade 4 Geography concepts. To conduct this qualitative phenomenology investigation, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 5 purposefully selected Tshivenḓa translators, and the text analysis method was also used to collect data. Inductive thematic analysis was conducted to analyse data collected for the study. Moreover, the Skopos and the Scan and Balance theoretical frameworks were adopted in this study to analyse and evaluate the data that was collected. The results of this study have shown that the main issue for Tshivenḓa translators is the lack of terminologies in fields like Geography. This is due to the difficulty of translating between two languages that have diverse cultural traditions. The findings show that Tshivenḓa translators used different methods to address problems of non-equivalence. They consist of paraphrasing, more general words, related words, transliteration, and omission. The findings may help Tshivenḓa, one of South Africa's minority languages, develop as a language by facilitating translation processes. The study recommends using the translation techniques identified to solve issues while translating English Grade 4 Geography concepts into Tshivenḓa.
Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree Master of Language Practice in the Department of Applied Languages, Faculty of Humanities at the Tshwane University of Technology.
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Tshwane University of Technology
Research Projects
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Non-equivalence, Translation strategies, Text analysis, Inductive thematic analysis, Skopos theory, Scan and Balance theory, Balance theory, Tshivenḓa, Geography concepts.
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