
The depiction of female characters: A critical study of three Setswana novels by D.P.S Monyaise.

Mthembu, Samukelisiwe
This study focuses on the depiction of female characters in the three selected Setswana literary works. The study explores the way in which female characters are portrayed in the selected Setswana novels. Similarly, the study also reveals who is involved and affected by this depiction. Intersectionality, Literary criticism and Womanism have been used as theoretical framework in this study. The study covered an analysis of female characters in the context of Setswana literature and culture. Most scholars have traced the depiction of female characters from different literary works in African Languages. This research study addresses the view that female depiction might not have changed even in the democratic era. The aspects that are discussed include, gender stereotypes and disparity, patriarchy, human rights, textual analysis, literary criticism, characterisation and characters. It is therefore upon such a basis that the current study treats the depiction of female characters in the three novels of Monyaise which are: Marara (1961), Ngaka Mosadi Mooka (1965) and Bogosi Kupe (1967). The study also includes the views and opinions of other writers and scholars who have already done research on the topic. The current study explored the portrayal of female characters in the selected Setswana novels to establish if there are any similarities/differences among the female characters’ delineation. The study is comparative rather than empirical. The investigation of the depiction of female characters assisted me to underscore the importance of catering for gender differences when analysing content in the selected novels. The idea was to make a significant contribution to society and to the Setswana authors to view women differently and to teach them that women must be treated equally with their male counterparts. The study used textual analysis, interpretivism and comparative method. The study found that Monyaise was influenced by his traditional cultural values that view females as inferior and subordinate.
Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree, Magister Technologiae: Language Practice in the Department of Applied Languages, Faculty of Humanities at the Tshwane University of Technology.
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Tshwane University of Technology
Research Projects
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Characterisation, Character, Literary criticism, Intersectionality, Interpretivism paradigm, Gender, Patriarchy, Human rights
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