
Design and modelling of automated reactor for the production of caustic potash from cocoa pod husk.

Daniyan, I. A.
Mpofu, K.
Daniyan, O. L.
Adeodu, A. O.
Uchegbu, I. D.
The need for the waste to wealth conversion triggered the design and modelling of an automated reactor for the production of caustic potash from cocoa pod husk. The system, which was designed for an annual production target of 35,000 tons, comprises of seven units namely; the storage unit, fluidized bed dryer and rotary dryer, roll crusher, reactor, furnace, condenser, and evaporator. The mechanical design and modelling was carried out with the aid of the Auto desk Inventor 2017 while the ASPEN HYSYS was employed as a process modelling tool for the material, energy optimization and plant economics. The design of the system also incorporates an Arduino Uno Microcontroller to a pH, pressure and temperature sensors to monitor the process conditions of the designed reactor. Stainless steel was selected for the fabrication of the reaction because of its excellent corrosion resistance ability, strength and machinability. The results of the Finite Element Analysis (FEA) carried out indicates that the material used for the reactor development is likely to yield when loaded beyond its tensile strength. The successful completion of this work provides design data for scaling the development of KOH reactor and a framework for KOH production from the cocoa pod husk.
29th CIRP Design 2019 (CIRP Design 2019).
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Research Projects
Organizational Units
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Automated reactor, Caustic potash, Design, KOH, Modelling
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