
Multi-class transfer learning and domain selection for cross-subject eeg classification.

Maswanganyi, Rito Clifford
Tu, Chungling
Owolawi, Pius Adewale
Du, Shengzhi
Transfer learning (TL) has been proven to be one of the most significant techniques for cross-subject classification in electroencephalogram (EEG)-based brain-computer interfaces (BCI). Hence, it is widely used to address the challenges of cross-session and cross-subject variability with more accurate intention prediction. In this case, TL utilizes knowledge (signal features) in the source domain(s) to improve the classification in the target domain. However, current existing transfer learning approaches on EEG-based BCI are mostly limited to two-class cross-subject classification problems, while multi-class problems are only implemented with a focus on within-subject classification due to the complexity of multi-class cross-subject classification problems. In this paper, we first extended the transfer learning approaches to a multi-class cross-subject scenario, then investigated the reason for transfer learning performance being poor in multi-class cross-subject classification. Secondly, we address the challenge of significant sessional and subject-to-subject variations originating from both known and unknown factors. It is discovered that such variations have a massive influence on the classification because of the negative transfer (NT) across domains. Based on this discovery, we propose a multi-class transfer learning approach based on multi-source manifold feature transfer learning (MMFT) framework and an enhanced version to minimize the effects of NT. The proposed multi-class transfer learning approach extends the existing MMFT to multi-class cases. Then enhanced multi-class MMFT firstly searches for domains with high transferability and selects only the best combination among source domains (SD), then utilize the best-selected combination of domains for transfer learning. Experimental results illustrate that the proposed multi-class MMFT can be employed in the cross-subject classification of both three-class and four-class problems. Experimental results also demonstrated that the enhanced multi-class MMFT could effectively minimize the effect of negative transfer and significantly increase the prediction rates across individual target domains (TD). The highest classification accuracy (CA) of 98% is obtained by the enhanced multi-class MMFT.
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Research Projects
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Brain-computeroencephalogram (EEG), Transfer learning (TL), Multi-source manifold feature transfer learning (MMFT), Multi-class transfer learning, Cross-session classification, Cross-subject classification
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